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Weather Line - 720.913.0715
Updated daily starting at 4pm
Tuesday 3/25
6:30 PM
Fishin w/ Dynamite vs BSBC
Tuesday 3/25
6:30 PM
Free Agent Team vs Brutus & the Dawgs
Lincoln #1
Tuesday 3/25
6:30 PM
Injured Reserve vs Swole'N Bases
Barnum North #1
Tuesday 3/25
6:30 PM
Wicked Pitch of th... vs Take a Peek
Barnum North #2
Tuesday 3/25
6:30 PM
Hard Hat Hitters vs Semper Fi
Kennedy # 1
Tuesday 3/25
6:30 PM
Inglorious Batters vs The zoo
Vanderbilt # 1
Tuesday 3/25
6:30 PM
The Denny's Grand ... vs Hit'ers & Quit'ers
Vanderbilt # 2
Tuesday 3/25
6:30 PM
Jobu's Rum vs Team Mad Cows
Veterans # 1
Tuesday 3/25
6:30 PM
Humboldt Squad vs Star Force
Central Park 2
Tuesday 3/25
6:30 PM
Washed Up vs Swish n Chips
Central Park 1
Tuesday 3/25
6:30 PM
Ballin On a Budget vs Walker's Winners
Carla Madison
Tuesday 3/25
7:20 PM
Central Park 2
Tuesday 3/25
7:20 PM
Fruit Hoops vs Hoopers
Central Park 1
Tuesday 3/25
7:20 PM
Rockerdawgs vs Wilson and the nets
Carla Madison
Tuesday 3/25
7:30 PM
See You Next Tuesday vs Fishin w/ Dynamite
Tuesday 3/25
7:30 PM
Brutus & the Dawgs vs FUEGO
Lincoln #1
Tuesday 3/25
7:30 PM
Bad News Beers vs Injured Reserve
Barnum North #1
Tuesday 3/25
7:30 PM
Big Balls Bigger S... vs Wicked Pitch of th...
Barnum North #2
Tuesday 3/25
7:30 PM
Craigslist vs Hard Hat Hitters
Kennedy # 1
Tuesday 3/25
7:30 PM
Casamigos vs Inglorious Batters
Vanderbilt # 1
Tuesday 3/25
7:30 PM
Chester's Bar & Grill vs Where My Pitches At?
Vanderbilt # 2
Tuesday 3/25
7:30 PM
Parker Pirates vs Hung Junk
Veterans # 1
Tuesday 3/25
8:10 PM
Backyard Baddies vs Free Birds
Central Park 2
Tuesday 3/25
8:10 PM
Misfits vs Swish Kebabs
Central Park 1
Tuesday 3/25
8:10 PM
The Fighting Koalas vs Hootie Hoos
Carla Madison
Tuesday 3/25
8:30 PM
See You Next Tuesd... vs Bat Intentions
Tuesday 3/25
8:30 PM
Bad Booze Bears vs Diamond Dogs
Lincoln #1
Tuesday 3/25
8:30 PM
Boomsticks vs Space Bombers
Barnum North #1
Tuesday 3/25
8:30 PM
Mound Pounders vs Green Monsters
Barnum North #2
Tuesday 3/25
8:30 PM
Mutiny vs Craigslist
Kennedy # 1
Tuesday 3/25
8:30 PM
Dingers vs the icey hotters
Vanderbilt # 1
Tuesday 3/25
8:30 PM
Buncha Hacks vs Walk Off Wanksters
Vanderbilt # 2
Tuesday 3/25
8:30 PM
Dog Pound vs Foul Play
Veterans # 1
Tuesday 3/25
9:00 PM
Half Horns vs Hoop there it is
Carla Madison
Tuesday 3/25
9:30 PM
Man Cheetah's vs Doink Dingers
Barnum North #1
Tuesday 3/25
9:30 PM
Green Monsters vs Sacked Up
Barnum North #2
Tuesday 3/25
9:30 PM
Mighty Drunks vs Garrix Stay
Vanderbilt # 1
Tuesday 3/25
9:30 PM
The Soft Ballz vs McGlovin
Vanderbilt # 2
Tuesday 3/25
9:30 PM
Jersey Boys vs Highly Suspicious
Veterans # 1
Wednesday 3/26
6:30 PM
Bachus & Schanker vs Bad News B
Wednesday 3/26
6:30 PM
WEENIE$ vs Balls Deep
Barnum North #1
Wednesday 3/26
6:30 PM
Kekambas vs Broke Bat Mountain
Barnum North #2
Wednesday 3/26
6:30 PM
Snow Sox vs Mermasexuals
Kennedy # 5
Wednesday 3/26
6:30 PM
Anthrax Mexico vs Dingers & Slingers
Kennedy # 6
Wednesday 3/26
6:30 PM
The Dock Ellis Exp... vs Shoeless Joes
Kennedy # 1
Wednesday 3/26
6:30 PM
Any Given Wednesday vs DT's Crew
Kennedy # 3
Wednesday 3/26
6:30 PM
Rawest Cats in the... vs Free Agents
Vanderbilt # 1
Wednesday 3/26
6:30 PM
Old Friends Softba... vs ABC Supply
Vanderbilt # 2
Wednesday 3/26
6:30 PM
OG Master Batters vs Dog Pound
Veterans # 1
Wednesday 3/26
6:30 PM
Colfax Concrete vs Prime Time
Carla Madison
Wednesday 3/26
6:30 PM
Jay's Blue Jays vs Ball Is Life
CP Main court
Wednesday 3/26
6:30 PM
Short Stocky Midwe... vs Beer:30
Ruby Hill Hak
Wednesday 3/26
6:30 PM
Not In The Face vs FUEGO
Ruby Hill Hayns
Wednesday 3/26
7:20 PM
Team Dime vs Better call gasol
Carla Madison
Wednesday 3/26
7:20 PM
X Force vs The Night Crew
CP Main court
Wednesday 3/26
7:30 PM
Beerhand Bandits vs Sloshed Sluggers
Wednesday 3/26
7:30 PM
Chaw Dawgs vs The Denver Brewers
Barnum North #1
Wednesday 3/26
7:30 PM
Flying Camels vs DBC All-Stars
Barnum North #2
Wednesday 3/26
7:30 PM
Mermasexuals vs Anthrax Mexico
Kennedy # 5
Wednesday 3/26
7:30 PM
Dingers & Slingers vs Snow Sox
Kennedy # 6
Wednesday 3/26
7:30 PM
The Dock Ellis Exp... vs The Flyers
Kennedy # 1
Wednesday 3/26
7:30 PM
Acts of Thunder vs Shoeless Joes
Kennedy # 3
Wednesday 3/26
7:30 PM
La Resistance vs Tap & Burger
Vanderbilt # 1
Wednesday 3/26
7:30 PM
Super Smash Bros vs Total Shames
Vanderbilt # 2
Wednesday 3/26
7:30 PM
Nolos vs Wolfpack
Veterans # 1
Wednesday 3/26
7:30 PM
FUEGO vs Sit on My Base
Ruby Hill Hak
Wednesday 3/26
7:30 PM
Not In The Face vs 404 Degenerates
Ruby Hill Hayns
Wednesday 3/26
8:10 PM
Hoopids vs Serbian snipers
Carla Madison
Wednesday 3/26
8:10 PM
The Night Crew vs Bandits
CP Main court
Wednesday 3/26
8:30 PM
One Hit Wonders vs The Tasteful Nudes
Wednesday 3/26
8:30 PM
The Pals vs Gappy Floppers
Barnum North #1
Wednesday 3/26
8:30 PM
We Need Subs vs Riverdogs
Barnum North #2
Wednesday 3/26
8:30 PM
James Earl Jones A... vs Mambas
Kennedy # 5
Wednesday 3/26
8:30 PM
Cold Snack Crew vs Homers Only
Kennedy # 6
Wednesday 3/26
8:30 PM
Only Slams vs Small Bag Pipers
Kennedy # 1
Wednesday 3/26
8:30 PM
Sons of Pitches vs Chico’s Bail Bonds
Kennedy # 3
Wednesday 3/26
8:30 PM
Tap & Burger vs Hide-a-Dukes
Vanderbilt # 1
Wednesday 3/26
8:30 PM
The Kentucky Inn G... vs Drunken Buffaloes
Vanderbilt # 2
Wednesday 3/26
8:30 PM
Brew Crew vs MudFlaps
Veterans # 1
Wednesday 3/26
8:30 PM
Dumpster Fires vs Washed Up
Ruby Hill Hak
Wednesday 3/26
8:30 PM
Pitch Please vs Trauma Llamas
Ruby Hill Hayns
Wednesday 3/26
9:30 PM
Team Temptations vs Herb's Herbivores
Wednesday 3/26
9:30 PM
Denver Transplants vs Bear Fights
Barnum North #1
Wednesday 3/26
9:30 PM
Midnight Strokers vs Bad News Beers
Barnum North #2
Wednesday 3/26
9:30 PM
Mambas vs Cold Snack Crew
Kennedy # 5
Wednesday 3/26
9:30 PM
Homers Only vs James Earl Jones A...
Kennedy # 6
Wednesday 3/26
9:30 PM
Endless vs Chico’s Bail Bonds
Kennedy # 3
Wednesday 3/26
9:30 PM
The Has-Beens vs Inglorious Batters
Vanderbilt # 2
Wednesday 3/26
9:30 PM
Rocky Mountain Oys... vs Caught Looking
Veterans # 1
Thursday 3/27
6:30 PM
Williams Tavern Tr... vs The Leftovers
Thursday 3/27
6:30 PM
Morty vs Rocky Mountain Ren...
Lincoln #1
Thursday 3/27
6:30 PM
Taco Stop vs Wu's on First
Barnum North #1
Thursday 3/27
6:30 PM
Big Daddy Hackers vs Sons of Pitches
Barnum North #2
Thursday 3/27
6:30 PM
Parking Lot Possums vs Brew Crew
Vanderbilt # 1
Thursday 3/27
6:30 PM
Split Lip vs Batter Masters
Vanderbilt # 2
Thursday 3/27
6:30 PM
Slap the Bag vs I'd hit that
Veterans # 1
Thursday 3/27
6:30 PM
The Back Door Bandits vs Hoop Dreams
5090 Main Court
Thursday 3/27
6:30 PM
Not Good vs Freak Time
Carla Madison
Thursday 3/27
6:30 PM
Floor Play vs Block Party
MC Court 2
Thursday 3/27
6:30 PM
unlawful ball hand... vs Big Dig Energy
MC Court 1
Thursday 3/27
6:30 PM
The Pipemen vs Free Agent Team
Kennedy # 5
Thursday 3/27
6:30 PM
Stingers vs Brew Crew
Ruby Hill Hak
Thursday 3/27
7:20 PM
Ball Up Top vs Yukosos
5090 Main Court
Thursday 3/27
7:20 PM
The Sports Team Fr... vs Duke Silver
Carla Madison
Thursday 3/27
7:20 PM
Seam Slammers vs Floor Play
MC Court 2
Thursday 3/27
7:20 PM
Getting Diggy With It vs Notorious DIG
MC Court 1
Thursday 3/27
7:30 PM
Little Sluggers vs Pairadice Army
Thursday 3/27
7:30 PM
HUEVOS vs Pancake Batters
Lincoln #1
Thursday 3/27
7:30 PM
Rapper$ vs Lords of Dirt
Barnum North #1
Thursday 3/27
7:30 PM
Ball Park Franks vs The Golden Volcanoes
Barnum North #2
Thursday 3/27
7:30 PM
McGlovins vs Long Dingers
Vanderbilt # 1
Thursday 3/27
7:30 PM
Longballz vs Mile High Cold Snacks
Vanderbilt # 2
Thursday 3/27
7:30 PM
Roadies vs Glove on the Spectrum
Veterans # 1
Thursday 3/27
7:30 PM
Outkastz vs We Got The Runs
Kennedy # 5
Thursday 3/27
7:30 PM
Dirt Bags vs Chain Reactions
Ruby Hill Hak
Thursday 3/27
8:10 PM
Trashmen vs 08 Scalabrines
5090 Main Court
Thursday 3/27
8:10 PM
Team 303 vs Jokic Brothers LLC
Carla Madison
Thursday 3/27
8:10 PM
Fish Magic vs Big Digs and Nice ...
MC Court 2
Thursday 3/27
8:10 PM
Sets on the Beach vs GOOSEBUMPS
MC Court 1
Thursday 3/27
8:30 PM
Division III's Finest vs Walk-Ons
Thursday 3/27
8:30 PM
Multiple Scoregasms vs Blue Balls
Lincoln #1
Thursday 3/27
8:30 PM
We got The Runs vs Brew jays
Barnum North #1
Thursday 3/27
8:30 PM
Muffaloes vs Denver BeerNuts
Barnum North #2
Thursday 3/27
8:30 PM
Rock Hard Peanuts vs Hot Farts
Vanderbilt # 1
Thursday 3/27
8:30 PM
Mork Ass Busters vs Off Brothers
Vanderbilt # 2
Thursday 3/27
8:30 PM
Smell the Glove vs Hitting 4 Singles
Veterans # 1
Thursday 3/27
8:30 PM
The Waiver Wire vs The Bloodline
Kennedy # 5
Thursday 3/27
8:30 PM
Slump Monkeys vs Jagerbombers
Ruby Hill Hak
Thursday 3/27
9:30 PM
Ducks vs Callahan Auto
Thursday 3/27
9:30 PM
The Dump Trucks vs Stranger Swings
Lincoln #1
Thursday 3/27
9:30 PM
Trust & Co vs Make it a Double
Barnum North #1
Thursday 3/27
9:30 PM
Dirty Mike n' Da Boyz vs Brofessionals
Barnum North #2
Thursday 3/27
9:30 PM
Draft Dodgers vs Pitches aint shit
Vanderbilt # 1
Thursday 3/27
9:30 PM
That Dam Team vs Scorp Corp
Vanderbilt # 2
Thursday 3/27
9:30 PM
Boom City vs Whirlybirds
Veterans # 1
Thursday 3/27
9:30 PM
Old Guys vs Cap City
Ruby Hill Hak
Friday 3/28
6:30 PM
Quit your pitchin vs Full Send
Friday 3/28
6:30 PM
Fighting Frexicans vs Juan Hit Wonders
Veterans # 1
Friday 3/28
7:30 PM
Hideous Horsemen vs Saucy
Friday 3/28
7:30 PM
Diablos vs Moose on Da Loose
Veterans # 1
Friday 3/28
8:30 PM
Lawson Bombers vs MIGHTY BUNZZZ
Friday 3/28
8:30 PM
Nopaleros vs Meat Torpedos
Veterans # 1
Friday 3/28
9:30 PM
Foul Language vs Bat & Boujee
Friday 3/28
9:30 PM
ElectriCats vs Bunts N Blunts
Veterans # 1